An Automated Monitoring System for Controlled Greenhouse Horticulture
Matthias Becker and Kin-Woon Yeow
Proceedings of the 16th KES-IDT 2024 Conference - KES-IDT '24In the field of controlled horticulture, various methods have been studied to facilitate the environmental data retrieval. One of the great findings in this research is the attraction of insect’s behavior towards the LED lighting of various wavelengths. Previous research shows promising results using LED based insect traps for insect population estimation in greenhouses. Therefore, an automated monitoring system is proposed as a standardization tool for environmental data gathering and estimation of pest population in controlled horticulture settings. The proposed automated monitoring system integrates object recognition models (combination of YOLOv3 and SVM) that identify and classify the pest and beneficial population density. The proposed system provides informative output via a mobile application. As a result, the proposed system functions as an integrated IoT management tool that simplifies the information retrieval process.
A Study of Insect Management Models in Agriculture
Matthias Becker and Kin-Woon Yeow
Proceedings of the 21st annual Industrial Simulation Conference - ISC '23In the study of controlling the insect population within the field of agriculture, many simulation models on herbivorous insects have been proposed. These proposed models contains various factors that determine the population development and growth of the herbivorous insects, such as temperature, light intensity and etc. Due to these factors, intensive studies have been carried out to discover the best model that suits the population development for each specific species of herbivorous insect.
Enhancement of a Lightweight Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme for the Internet of Things
Syh-Yuan Tan, Kin-Woon Yeow and Seong Oun Hwang
IEEE Internet of Things JournalIn this paper, we present the enhancement of a lightweight key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) scheme designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). The KP-ABE scheme was claimed to achieve ciphertext indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack in the selective-set model but we show that the KP-ABE scheme is insecure even in the weaker security notion, namely, one-way encryption under the same attack and model. In particular, we show that an attacker can decrypt a ciphertext which does not satisfy the policy imposed on his decryption key. Subsequently, we propose an efficient fix to the KP-ABE scheme as well as extending it to be a hierarchical KP-ABE (H-KP-ABE) scheme that can support role delegation in IoT applications. An example of applying our H-KP-ABE on an IoT-connected healthcare system is given to highlight the benefit of the delegation feature. Lastly, using the NIST curves secp192k1 and secp256k1, we benchmark the fixed (hierarchical) KP-ABE scheme on an Android phone and the result shows that the scheme is still the fastest in the literature.
JIS: Pest Population Prognosis with Escalator Boxcar Train
Kin-Woon Yeow and Matthias Becker
2018 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management - IEEM '18Pest population prognosis helps the growers in the greenhouse to keep the pest population below the threshold efficiently. INSIM is one of the recognized pest population simulators. However, the implementation of the INSIM simulation faces some difficulties to be executed as a web service. Thus, we propose a Java-based web application using the mathematical model used in INSIM. Additionally to the known model, our implementation is able to give prognosis boundaries based on uncertainty of the temperature development and pest count. The proposed JIS gives lower and upper estimation of the pest population with the mean accuracy of 66.67% against our experimental validation data. Furthermore, the relationship between the area coverage for each yellow sticky trap and its accuracy percentage is investigated.
On the security of two sealed-bid auction schemes
Kin-Woon Yeow, Swee-Huay Heng and Syh-Yuan Tan
2017 19th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology - ICACT '17In this paper, we cryptanalyze two sealed-bid auction schemes and show that both schemes are not secure against the known-bid attack. In the first scheme, we show that a dishonest sealer can swap the price of a sealed-bid and yet its validity remains intact; in the second scheme, we show that a dishonest auctioneer can forge a bidder's bid if the bidder was once a winning bidder. We propose a workaround for the former using a designated confirmer signature but not the latter, which is fundamentally flawed. -
From Sealed-Bid Electronic Auction to Electronic Cheque
Kin-Woon Yeow, Swee-Huay Heng and Syh-Yuan Tan
International Conference on Information Science and Applications - ISICA '17In this paper, we establish a relation between sealed-bid e-auction and e-cheque by proposing a transformation technique which transforms a secure sealed-bid e-auction into a secure e-cheque scheme. Although the application scenario differs, we notice that the scheme structure and fundamental security properties in both schemes are similar, namely, unforgeability, anonymity and indistinguishability. As a proof of concept, we apply the transformation technique on the classic Sakurai and Miyazaki sealed-bid e-auction scheme and obtain a secure e-cheque scheme. -
Known Bid Attack on an Electronic Sealed-Bid Auction Scheme
Kin-Woon Yeow, Swee-Huay Heng and Syh-Yuan Tan
International Conference on Information Science and Applications - ISICA '17In this paper, we cryptanalyze a receipt-free electronic sealed-bid auction scheme and show that it is forgeable under the known bid attack. Specifically, we show that a malicious sealer can forge the sealed-bid with non-negligible probability. Besides, we also propose a possible fix for the attack.
Applications of undeniable signature schemes
Kin-Woon Yeow, Syh-Yuan Tan, Swee-Huay Heng and Rouzbeh Behnia
2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications - ICSIPA '15Online applications such as e-auction, e-voting, and e-cash require common security properties such as integrity, unforgeability, confidentiality, non-repudiation, authentication, and anonymity. In this paper, besides identifying the security properties needed by these three applications, we also discuss the importance of access control. We show that undeniable signature schemes and its variants fulfil the security requirements and access control needed by the applications. We also propose a generic method to combine an undeniable signature scheme with a trapdoor function for constructing the applications mentioned above.