Publikationen von Markus Krause




  • A Digital Game to Support Voice Treatment for Parkinson ’ s Disease
    Markus Krause, Jan Smeddinck and Ronald Meyer
    CHI'013 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems
    Parkinson's disease causes a wide range of motor impairments that also affect speech. Even patients with mild speech motor disabilities do suffer from symptoms such as reduced dynamics, melody, tone, pace and continuity of speech. Besides invasive or drug based treatments, effective logopedic treatments do exist. However, constant training is a key factor for this type of therapy. Digital games can be one way to enhance patient's motivation for repetitive exercises both in therapy sessions and in prolonged use at home. This paper examines the possibilities of such a digital logopedic game developed for PD patients and reports first promising study results that indicate an increased peak voice loudness of the players' voice when playing the game.
  • Designing Systems with Homo Ludens in the Loop
    Markus Krause
    Handbook of Human Computation
    A recurrent challenge for human computation is motivation. Motivation is not only a prevailing topic for crowd based human computation it is also multifarious. Contributors support human computation projects for money, fun, and many other reasons. Probably the most appealing motivation from a requester’s perspective is an intrinsic interest in the task itself, although this is a rare situation. Therefore, when designing a human computation system a key challenge to accept and handle is to offer a valuable reward for contributors. One possible approach to this challenge is to design human computation systems in a way that makes their use an inherently pleasurable experience. A powerful concept to make tasks more pleasurable is to use game design to add playful elements to the task or merge the task completely into a digital game. This chapter describes concepts, methods, and pitfalls of this approach. It will give hints to identify suitable tasks, design an overall strategy, and deal with the evaluation of data in playful human computation systems.
  • It is about Time : Time Aware Quality Management for Interactive Systems with Humans in the Loop
    Markus Krause and Robert Porzel
    CHI'13 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems
    In recent years crowd-based and human computation systems have attracted increasing attention in science and industry. For applications that are driven by input from a multitude of human raters, ensuring data reliability and organizing an interactive workflow constitute a new challenge. In this paper we describe a novel approach to ensure data quality in crowd-based and human computation systems. The proposed algorithm features the potential for direct feedback and interactivity while producing little computational overhead.
  • Mobile Game User Research : The World as Your Lab ?
    Jan Smeddinck and Markus Krause
    GUR'13 Proceedings of the CHI Game User Experience Research Workshop
    With the advent of mobile games and the according growing and competitive market, game user research can provide valuable insights and a competitive edge if methods and procedures are employed that match the distinct challenges that mobile devices, games and usage scenarios induce. We present a summary of parameters that frame the research setup and procedure, focusing on the trade-offs between lab and field studies and the related decision whether to pursue large-scale and quantitative or small-scale focused research accompanied by qualitative methods. We then illustrate the implications of these considerations on real world projects along the lines of two evaluations of different input methods for the action-puzzle mobile game Somyeol: a local study with 37 participants and a mixed design of qualitative and quantitative methods, and the strictly quantitative analysis of game-play data from 117,118 users. The findings underline the importance of small-scale evaluations prior to release.





  • Games for Games
    Aneta Takhtamysheva, Robert Porzel and Markus Krause
    HComp'09 Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Human Computation
    The present work and demonstration system aims at finding an efficient and cost-effective human computation method to expand the linguistic capabilities of interactive games that need it to respond appropriately to the language based input of their users. As a showcase scenario for the experiments conducted, we took interactive fiction applications and examined how the human computation game design and scoring approaches affects the quality of the data gathered. The ensuing analysis of the data confirms our initial hypothesis that game approaches can provide both the qualitative and quantitative data needed for the corresponding interactive games.
  • Playful tagging: folksonomy generation using online games
    Markus Krause and Hidir Aras
    WWW '09 Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web
    Collaborative Tagging is a powerful method to create folksonomies that can be used to grasp/filter user preferences or enhance web search. Recent research has shown that depending on the number of users and the quality of user-provided tags powerful community-driven semantics or "ontologies" can emerge - as it was evident analyzing user data from social web applications such as or Flickr. Unfortunately, most web pages do not contain tags and, thus, no vocabulary that describes the information provided. A common problem in web page annotation is to motivate users for constant participation, i.e. tagging. In this paper we describe our approach of a binary verification game that embeds collaborative tagging into on-line games in order to produce domain specific folksonomies.